Welcome to my blog

The good, the bad, the truth. A little bit about my life as a mother and as a wife.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I had to switch over

I switched blog sites to this one, it makes it easier for friends and family to comment


Well first of all I wanted to thank my friend Trelanie to inspire me to blog once more. I think blogging is a very good thing to do to 1. “let everything out” and 2. possibly have friends and family who care to read up to date with some things. Plus, being a mom I love to brag about things and talk about pointless parental things that some to most people don’t care to hear about all the time.

Well, when I have something that I’d like to write about I’d be sure to jump on here. As of right now Anthony fell asleep half on and half off his little couch. Michele is up stairs in her room (she should be waking up anytime now). Shes been having a hard time lately because her two top teeth are coming in. You can see the white through the gums but have yet to break through. Last night she was up screaming a ton. She however, unlike Anthony, loves baby orajel which makes it a little easier. Wow, right on time.. I hear her waking up so I better go get here!

I will be posting random things later!

1 comment:

  1. So excited to read this! Will be following you and linking you on mine!
