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The good, the bad, the truth. A little bit about my life as a mother and as a wife.

Monday, July 19, 2010

No more!

So I dont understand why I keep dreaming that Im pregnant with a third baby. No, I really dont want another one. I am honestly to afraid of a repeat from my own hospital experience. I tend to watch discovery health channel a lot and I get the happy feeling for the moms. I see them grow, and get ready for the baby. Then have them go in labor and how excited they are. I partly "feel" it with them.. however when they do the epidural, I always get very very anxious feeling now watching it done. I know personally there is NO way in hell that I'd want to do it all natural too. So, I am very pleased at what I have. So I dont understand why I keep having these dreams. The only thing I can think of is that physically my body is "ready" ((even if my daughter is still young)), cause I COULD get pregnant, so its trying to tell me that. Thank god for IUDs.

Personally, I feel my balance of a boy and girl is perfect. I get best and worst of both worlds. Also I personally feel that what makes them both very special is because Anthony is my ONLY boy and Michele is my ONLY girl. So.. I cant at all compare them and they don't have to feel like they will compete with each other or something.

However, random thought I think about all the time is, "ugh.. shes going to have crushes on her big brothers friends, and Anthony may like HER friends too since they are close in age.. weird!"

Also talk about gender differences, I feel so bad that I have bows and hair stuff for michele... but, I know Anthony is still young and doesnt understand, he is always trying to wear them. And the fact that hes doesnt understand why HE cant wear them.. that sucks. I feel horrible. Idk.
I dont feel horrible that he cant wear them, but he doesnt understand yet.

well.. gotta go again! Thanks for reading and listening. Feel free to comment!!!

1 comment:

  1. I know this feeling! These dreams come to me all the time-I am nowhere near ready for another baby! I think maybe the thoughts are there because there is a possibility that it could happen again.

    About the bows....let him wear them at home...not gonna hurt him or anything else. Baby #4 does it all the time! :)
