Welcome to my blog

The good, the bad, the truth. A little bit about my life as a mother and as a wife.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Potty training going well

We've gone for many days without diapers or pullups I should say.
Lately we've had MAYBE one accident but for the most part none!!
We've gone out and he stayed dry! When I get up in the morning his little potty in his room
is usually full!
lately there has been NO poop accidents, and he goes when he need to
on his own!!!
I hear the thousand of flushes he does, then he runs out
and bends over in front of us to wipe him LOL
its pretty funny to see.
I am SO proud of him, but I cant wait
until I dont have to constantly "worry" about it

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mama is tired!!

So today Michael was supposed to have class today, so we needed to wake up early. His class got moved to TOMORROW.. so I drove him back to work. Michele had a 9 month appointment. Dropped him off and had an hour to kill, went home got Michele's bottle and Anthony a little bit of breakfast. Then left to the naval hospital. She got seen. Her measurements were

4 month appt:

24.4 " tall -- 42%tile
14.94 lbs -- 62%tile
41 cm HC -- 39%tile

9 month appt:

Wt - 49%

Ht- 40%

Head - 43%

well, then she got her shots cause she missed her 6 month shots. She handled them very well, didnt cry more then 5 seconds. She had her blood taken to test her iron levels. All went well.

Friday, July 23, 2010

In trouble!?

Its weird my body always seems to have sleeping issues. For some reason I can not fall asleep at night time and when I do I ended up getting about 4-5 hours of sleep. Up at 7am makes it a little rough too.

Well I did have a weird dream though..

I had a dream that we "drove" to Germany somehow, and from California too! In the dream we finally made it there and stopped for food. Michael was so so tired so we wanted to just eat and then go to wherever we were going to stay. I guess he drank something and it tasted horrible, and he didnt want anymore. He couldnt explain what it was cause he wasn't sure. So we hop into the car and head out to find a place to stay. Well we're driving in a place like Slocum village to go home (somehow?) and I notice the car lights arent on. I tell him, but I notice hes swerving a little and falling asleep. I look behind us and there is a German cop car. I start yelling at Michael to wake up and such, to pull over cause hes falling asleep. The cop pulls us over and sees how tired michael is. Makes him step out and does a alcohol test. It came up positive for it. What ever that drink apparently was alcohol, and caused him to get more tired. So he ended up getting arrested for DUI. I was scared, upset knowing that Michael was going to be busted down in the marine corps and such. It was a weird dream..

I woke up and looked at me and michael was sleeping next to me. its 6:55am. Hes late for work!!! ugh!!!! But thank god, its not that big of a deal. But talk about a dream and a way to start your day.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lets talk birthcontrol...

So I've been on the YAZ pill before and I loved it. I loved that it helps with mood swings, I love that it wasnt only helping for preventing pregnancy but also ache. However, I had a hard time keeping up on taking it at the same time and so on. I knew the "pill" wasnt right for me.

After I got pregnant, yes a very planned pregnancy with Michele, I did my research with everything. I ended wanting the IUD. Something that I never really have to think about at all.
I ended up getting the Mierna. I loved it for the most part. very very light periods that needed a panty liner at most. However I had gained weight to 176.6 I weight more then I did fully pregnant with Anthony and Michele. I watched what I ate and everything. When I did my research I found that 3% of people gain weight. I thought those odds are a lot better then what I hear on the depo shots or whatever else. So I took my chances. I lost. Would I suggest Mirena to people, YES!! If people can handle the depo and such, this is better side effects then JUST weight gain.

However, I've personally have had a stuggle with my selfimage. Also after two kids, not having much time to "pamper" yourself, and so on.. gaining weight just doesnt need to add to it all. I have been trying hard to lose my weight but it hasnt moved what so ever. So I had made an appt to make the next move. Try the copper (ParaGard) IUD.

I went in today, and thank god it wasnt the same Dr. I saw before.. who was rude, mean, doesnt listen to what you have to say, cuts you off, and I absolutely despise. Well.. thank god it was a sweet lady. She listened to everything and was so helpful with all my questions. She knew her facts unlike the other Dr. who told me that the IUD doesnt cause weight gain, but I LOOKED on the MINERA site itself and found about the "3%". Well anyways, back on topic..

I ended getting the paragrad. Now I cant wait for my body to become "normal" again and not have to worry. To be able to lose the weight, to be able to be "me". I've always had a fear of the hormonal birthcontrols too, and had a "bad feeling". So lets pray that nothing goes wrong with this one and I am able to get the results I want.

I am in tons of pain right now, I've forgotten how horrible it is when they insert it and after, but I do know how it takes about 6 months for your body to get used to it and that its worth it.

So cheers to a new me!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I wish I could be heard. If I say something 100% straight up about how I feel, like lonely.. I wish I am not only heard but understood. Being a parent and being home all day with the kids is lovely, dont get me wrong... but it would be nice to have some "us" time and "adult" (not sexual.) time. A conversation that doesnt include baby talk, or such. I dont feel watching stupid action movies is adult time. I try to be as open as I can but I am never heard. I hate that...

Just another hot summer day

so today I had taken the car and took the kids to the park. We where the only ones there so it was quiet. Anthony didnt seemed very entertained, and tried playing with his sister. It usually end up in michele getting hurt though, but shes really tough though, and Im sure by now used to it.

Funny child talk

Lately I've been really enjoying that Anthony and I have been able to have a decent little conversation. Its basic talk but its still so much better then before. We just went through something like this

A-- anthony

A -- Whats that sound?
Me -- What sound?
A-- shh, listen. THAT sound.
Me-- oh... hmm.
A-- i dink a car!
Me-- I think its a plane
A-- i dont know, listen.

Yes a plane!!!

A-- look at this, Sticker
Me-- Whos on it
A-- Dora and Deigo
Me-- I didnt know you knew their names
A-- yeahhhhh....
watch them on TV?
Me--- they arent on right now, sorry
A- aweman!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Gotta love sisters

Tanya Ramirez Holmquist Oh sure.....You tell Missy she's not old, but me I am. Missy, Lauras a liar.....we are old!!!
8 minutes ago · Like

Laura Renee Oldfather hahaha YOUR only old cause your my OLDEST sister, dah!! blame mom not me ;)
6 minutes ago · Like ·

Tanya Ramirez Holmquist I blame you little brat!!! Tell me I'm old!! wait til your in your 30s!!!
4 minutes ago · Like

Laura Renee Oldfather yeah you'll be in your 40s!! hahahhahahahah!
4 minutes ago · Like ·

Tanya Ramirez Holmquist Little Sh*t Laura, my pardon Missy!!
a few seconds ago · Like

Laura Renee Oldfather LMAO!
a few seconds ago · Like ·


No more!

So I dont understand why I keep dreaming that Im pregnant with a third baby. No, I really dont want another one. I am honestly to afraid of a repeat from my own hospital experience. I tend to watch discovery health channel a lot and I get the happy feeling for the moms. I see them grow, and get ready for the baby. Then have them go in labor and how excited they are. I partly "feel" it with them.. however when they do the epidural, I always get very very anxious feeling now watching it done. I know personally there is NO way in hell that I'd want to do it all natural too. So, I am very pleased at what I have. So I dont understand why I keep having these dreams. The only thing I can think of is that physically my body is "ready" ((even if my daughter is still young)), cause I COULD get pregnant, so its trying to tell me that. Thank god for IUDs.

Personally, I feel my balance of a boy and girl is perfect. I get best and worst of both worlds. Also I personally feel that what makes them both very special is because Anthony is my ONLY boy and Michele is my ONLY girl. So.. I cant at all compare them and they don't have to feel like they will compete with each other or something.

However, random thought I think about all the time is, "ugh.. shes going to have crushes on her big brothers friends, and Anthony may like HER friends too since they are close in age.. weird!"

Also talk about gender differences, I feel so bad that I have bows and hair stuff for michele... but, I know Anthony is still young and doesnt understand, he is always trying to wear them. And the fact that hes doesnt understand why HE cant wear them.. that sucks. I feel horrible. Idk.
I dont feel horrible that he cant wear them, but he doesnt understand yet.

well.. gotta go again! Thanks for reading and listening. Feel free to comment!!!

Hungry Hungry Hippo?

So lately I feel like I am seriously feeding my son ALL the time. Hes constantly eating and wanting more and so on. Im sure hes growing which is causing it, but my cupboards are getting bare! We've lately been struggling with the whole "picky eater" syndrome, so I'm not sure which is better!

I had to switch over

I switched blog sites to this one, it makes it easier for friends and family to comment


Well first of all I wanted to thank my friend Trelanie to inspire me to blog once more. I think blogging is a very good thing to do to 1. “let everything out” and 2. possibly have friends and family who care to read up to date with some things. Plus, being a mom I love to brag about things and talk about pointless parental things that some to most people don’t care to hear about all the time.

Well, when I have something that I’d like to write about I’d be sure to jump on here. As of right now Anthony fell asleep half on and half off his little couch. Michele is up stairs in her room (she should be waking up anytime now). Shes been having a hard time lately because her two top teeth are coming in. You can see the white through the gums but have yet to break through. Last night she was up screaming a ton. She however, unlike Anthony, loves baby orajel which makes it a little easier. Wow, right on time.. I hear her waking up so I better go get here!

I will be posting random things later!